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Old 02-20-2011, 05:39 PM
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Originally Posted by Sandee
Amazing!! In the mid 70's, really before "modern" techniques were around, or even many burn centers, we took the patients to Physical Therapy, put them in a giant whirlpool called a Hubbard tank & scrubbed the dead ,dying, burned skin off with gauze & scrub brushes. We peeled it off, cut it off using twizzers & scissors. Yep, they had had pain meds but they were awake. Many badly burned 2nd & 3rd degree. It would have been so wonderful for them all if this was around!! Did you notice how few scars the patient in the video had? NONE!? WOW WOW WOW. It shouldn't be experimental, all burn pts. should be having it available now. Thanks, Ditter, for this informative & amazing video!

It sure was hard working on the burn units back then...we've come a long, long way since then...much of it thanks of NASA.
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