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Old 02-20-2011, 07:06 PM
texas granny
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Join Date: Apr 2010
Location: Paige, Texas
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Originally Posted by charismah
Lori sent me her TEXAS quilt.

This is her first quilt and she has waited a while to get it quilted. I think she first asked me to quilt in back in November or December..she asked me what I would do with it....You know it is hard on someone's first quilt especially because as a LA quilter I don't want to steal anyone's thunder I just want to make them feel good about their I went conservative.

I told her we could do an all over with stars, hats, boots,horseshoes and at her request she wanted to add she said "it's a Texas thing" problem I quilt freehand I could definitely add them.

So then the quilt didn't come for finally arrived and I had gotten told her I would squeeze it in between jobs....

I had it for a few weeks and Lori sent me a message saying she trusted my judgement and I could get as creative as I wanted...really??

so I had to think about this and I thought...I NEED to go BIG!!! Isn't that what TEXAS is BIG??

so I thought I need to research TEXAS clip art and see what I can come up with.....another week or so..idea was formed I knew what I wanted to do...but anxious if she was going to like it...if I could make it look cohesive and work....During this time Lori is getting anxious..and worried ...I felt terrible!

Then I decided to bite the bullet and tell her what I was planning..she loved it ...told me to AMPLIFY her work! So here it is!

There is a lot of white areas...and the material in the Texas are all very well thought out images of Texas flowers, cowboys and cacti...just every piece is a representative..very cool!
I decided in those big white areas I would put some western type scenes.... IN one corner I put a steer head in a star and stopped around it so that image would pop out

In the left corner I put a cowboy on a bull in a star ...stippling around the bottom background areas I put a desert scene and a scene of cacti, steerhead, boots, and a hat.

I love this quilt! I have never been to TEXAS but now I am in love with TEXAS! In the Texas I quilted loops and stars and in the border the fabric print is so small but it has little flourishy-feathery types designs and I put feathers..pebbling and fill it out and add a bit of class...I feel like this quilt has a (as my husband would say ) a bit of a champagne and beer quality...has some elegant parts and some western-scenic -rustic parts ..but they all blend together nicely. I am pretty proud of this quilt..because i know I made the owner happy!

I quilted this freehand on my computer quilting pantograph quilting...thank you so much for looking! I don't have an area big enough to get a whole maybe when LOri gets it back she can take a full size picture.
You did a great job of quilting her quilt.
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