Old 02-21-2011, 08:04 AM
Join Date: Oct 2009
Location: Bikini Bottom
Posts: 5,652

Yep that is right I am going to do a few more for you guys to help you with your restorations. It might take a few days but I will cover a few different areas of the restoration.

The first one I am going to do is "Electrolysis Cleaning" this will show you how to use simple things around your home to clean the plated parts that might be seriously rusted. And it is an environmentally safe method!!!

The second one I am going to do is rewiring a machine start to finish. I will show what to look for and how to fix the problem and have a safe machine to use. Remember these machines are not grounded and you are the ground. So if it is not up to standards then the chances of a trip to the hospital if you that lucky will be in order.

There will of course be more coming, I have been asked to do one for the internal geared machines (500A is one of them) and there will be more.

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