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Old 02-21-2011, 01:12 PM
Junior Member
Join Date: Jan 2011
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Posts: 157

Originally Posted by Jerrie1940
Originally Posted by AddieLou
Originally Posted by AddieLou
I have never paper pieced before. My first attempt was a failure - totally messed up the technique. Second attempt technique was better, made the whole star, but don't like the color combination. Not enough contrast. Third attempt - technique seems under control, I am satisfied with my colors, but I messed up the order of where some of the colors were supposed to go (used some B colors on the A side). Sooo - hopefully attempt number 4 will be a success!
Here is number 4 - my first ever paper pieced block!
What fun!!
I loved learning to paper piece - glad your star pushed me to try!

Great work! I feel bad because so many had problems. I hope everyone keeps trying because paperpiecing is probably as close as one can get to perfect. :hunf: :XD:
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