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Old 02-21-2011, 02:13 PM
Power Poster
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Join Date: Jan 2009
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Posts: 14,646

I was guild president for the last few years and held that office six months after joining! I showed up for a meeting and said I've never been to a guild before so let me know if I do something wrong like sit in the wrong spot or something. The greeter laughed and said go sit right there by Lucille, she will keep you company. Lucille move over and let her sit by you and behave yourself. I have loved it from the first visit. I jumped in with both feet and raised my hand for every task. I figured the only way to get the guild to a fresh new agenda was to be in position to nudge it in that direction. Many of the older members have loosened up and enjoy the new ways of doing things. The old biddies that don't well, they just come to gripe and never offer anything constructive.
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