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Old 02-21-2011, 08:34 PM
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Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: Sauquoit, NY and Clearwater FL
Posts: 49

I have used "used" dryer sheets and spray starch for fusibles, the Eleanor Burns way. I ran out of fusible web once, and decided to use something rather like it, so I boiled a few dryer sheets then rinsed them well, ironed them dry and sewed them to the right side of the fabric piece, made a little slit in the back side turned them inside out and sprayed them. Ironed that dry and they worked just as well except that had to pin them in the right place.No frayed edges there. I don't know if they fray in the wash my way of doing fusibles, I have never done a bed quilt, just wall hangings. I don't used a blanket stitch (takes way too long), I just stitch as close to the edge as I can...and just FYI, I discovered that using the heat and bond lite, the ink does not come off on the kleenex, it is instantly dry....(the fusible I used first worked as well, but the ink didn't absorb like the heat and bond does. Did you know that dryer sheets will take the goook off the iron? Out of the box ones, not boiled ones. They sold them in Keepsake Quilting for a while and I ordered some not realizing what they were, not sure they are still there because I called them and complained that they were about 5 selling dryer sheets for $10...they hadn't realized what was in the package.

Originally Posted by candi
Judy, this is pretty much what I am hoping to do but like you, I use a mini iron and a Templar sheet for the pattern. Getting the pieces ready takes a while, I am hoping to be able to start a few weeks before June and just get few temPlates and shapes cut, so I can just turn under and sew when I am short on time.

Originally Posted by JudyG
I saw on one of Alex Anderson's shows where she likes to use spray starch in preparing her applique pieces. You have to be a member of The Quilt Show to see her piece about it, but I found a tutorial about it online. This is exactly the way Alex does it, and it really does work well. You can prepare either hand applique pieces or pieces to be machine appliqued. The only difference I see is that I use my mini iron and in the tutorial it looks like she's using a regular iron.
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