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Old 02-21-2011, 09:05 PM
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Join Date: Jan 2010
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Originally Posted by Diana Lynne
I am doing the pinwheel project and the material I had bought was not what the sticker said..I could not get it to work for anything..But, thankfully to some very wonderful people on this board I was able to get the material to work..Which made my daughter very very happy..But, in the mean time I felt very bad for my daughter because she had her heart set on that material that she picked out so I went to the store and picked up this material to do her a quilt in..She really likes skulls so I figured she would love it..NO..She hates it LOL..Now I have no idea what I am going to do with this material..Its 2 yards..Guess next time I will shop only for me :-D
You might check on the group with the ugliest fabric of 2011 and see if the winner of that challenge might want it, there were a couple of fabrics with skulls in that group. The voting is not over yet, or at least I don't think it is.
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