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Old 02-22-2011, 12:44 AM
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Originally Posted by Diana Lynne
I am doing the pinwheel project and the material I had bought was not what the sticker said..I could not get it to work for anything..But, thankfully to some very wonderful people on this board I was able to get the material to work..Which made my daughter very very happy..But, in the mean time I felt very bad for my daughter because she had her heart set on that material that she picked out so I went to the store and picked up this material to do her a quilt in..She really likes skulls so I figured she would love it..NO..She hates it LOL..Now I have no idea what I am going to do with this material..Its 2 yards..Guess next time I will shop only for me :-D

Maybe you could do this?
Take the right size square ruler and fussy cut out all the hearts and flowers motifs....Then set those in nine patches with black to make an interesting irish chain. wall hanging?
Maybe somebody would swap?
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