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Old 02-23-2011, 04:53 AM
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Originally Posted by jpthequilter
I hate to appear an idiot -
but what on earth are you talking about?
I read all 4 pages and despite some clues
I still don't know!
It's a show along the lines of "Hoarders" except this one is called "Enough." It's about a woman who filled her very large (at least to me) living room with quilt related items for her Quilts of Valor efforts. It looked like she and four of her friends met regularly to create the quilts. Unfortunately, her living room was so full, there was no where for family to sit and visit, and they were concerned about safety and the ability to escape the house in case of a fire.

The show's host, Peter Walsh, is a professional organizer. In order to clear the living room, making room for family visits, he asked the home owners if there was another space that could be used for the QOV effort. They decided the garage was would be a good alternative. However, the garage was packed to the ceiling so they took everything out, lining it along the driveway (supposedly ~75 yds of stuff - decorations, etc.). alot of this went to donations or was tossed.

Once cleared out, a company that makes storage units arrived and lined the three garage walls with shelving. Peter Walsh, in the meantime, was outside with the owner, telling her she could only keep 100 (or was it 200?) plastic bins of the quilting stuff that came out of the living room. This is where a lot of us got the heebie jeebies about donating things! Her quilting friends helped with this process but some of the stuff that was in the donation piles, in particular one box of plastic zip lock bags with almost completed tops, seemed odd, to say the least, to be getting rid of!

The thing that disturbed me is she didn't know what they were doing in the garage (i.e., the shelving). If it had been me, I would have wanted to know so I could organize stuff better, etc. And, I agree, they didn't give her enough work space; just one table with cutting mat and sewing machine, although they did set up one corner as a packing/shipping area. I'm guessing more tables and chairs will be added to accommodate the qulting group.

All in all, there were many questions left unanswered. She did end up with a lovely, cleaned out, living/dining area, so that is a plus. I think most of us would kill for the setup she now has in the garage. But, where did those golf clubs go? What about the decorations that she did keep? But, the show is only an hour long.

One final note... when the soldiers showed up to help, my heart went out to them. Couldn't help but think about how precious these folks are and what they're doing to preserve our way of life, hoarders or not. God bless them all!
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