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Old 02-23-2011, 06:48 AM
feline fanatic
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Join Date: May 2009
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Count me amongst the arachnaphobes. Spiders just freak me out to no end if they are in the house. Outside is fine as long as I can keep what I consider a safe distance. I am fascinated by spider webs and will watch them outside but inside forget it. Sometimes I can't even look at pictures of them in magazines or the internet without getting the heeby jeebies and having goose bumps and shivers. Lord have mercy on me if one ever gets on me! I will do what I call the "there is a bug on me dance" which looks like a cross between break dancing and an epileptic seizure. I have the shivers for hours after, even when I know it has been killed and disposed of. I don't know how our Aussie friends deal with the monsters they have! While the huntsman is not lethal they are one big nasty looking spider and my one friend in Sydney says spider killer won't phase them, she has to suck it up with her Dyson and they are so big she can hear them thunking around in the canister! Then they have the two of the most venomous spiders around, the red back (similar to our black widow) and the funnel web. Yeegads.
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