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Old 02-23-2011, 02:44 PM
Senior Member
Join Date: May 2010
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Posts: 368


LOL there is a contractual thing when they do a show like that... its a guess *she cant tell*. But... like debbie said... storage shed, and I add closets and other bedrooms, its just TWO humans living there...

I am presuming a lot of that *so-called clutter* in the living area tossed around lavishly came out of closets and other bedrooms in the house, which they never showed. Coulda been cubbies and good organization INSIDE the house for the small longarm and most of the fabric and things, just organize a corner of the living area for immediate ongoing sewing.. no one should be placed in a cement block garage for quilting, and a husband placed alone in a picture-perfect huge sized living room without a sign of life, to watch tv alone. That final living room looked sterilized and human-less.
I predict a sewing corner WAS brought into the living room, later, and useful cubbies for immediate fabric, and the small longarm I bet went into one of the many bedrooms. I also think she DID go thorugh those socalled -tossed without looking* boxes of family things for a lifetime, but not during the show.. but later.
BUT, reality aside, they were polite about the show, and 300 hours of hired able-bodied help, and 3-4,000$$ of shelves.. were gained by the couple who were willing to be on the public show, and could be re-arranged and utilized better after the show was over... I think.
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