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Old 01-18-2009, 03:22 PM
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Join Date: Nov 2007
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Aww--thanks for thinking of me Janstar. :D Today felt so warm--28*!! I still had to top of water at noon, and it was windy, but much more pleasant out. The winds filled in the horse path yet again... so Mark and I had fun digging it out yesterday using a metal shovel first to break it up--then the snow shovel--all but Jazz's side from a gate to his run-in. Then the back was all filled in again this morning. :roll: :? It's crazy--but we can't put snow fence up because it'd be in the farmer's driveway and I don't dare put any in the middle of the pasture for fear the horses would hurt themselves on it. It was fluffy this morning, so I cleared most--and hubby finished--and he cleared the way to the other back run-in!!! I was so grateful!!

If we don't keep working at it--we won't get through until spring and I can't do that because my stallion will need to be separated from the mares in a few months--and I'll need three working pastures. Sigh....

Aren't you glad you asked? :lol:
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