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Old 02-25-2011, 11:53 AM
Super Member
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: North Central, NC
Posts: 2,741

charisma, I have been drooling over all of the quilts you have shown with the beautiful quilting on them. I notice that you mentioned that you don't use a pantograph or computer so I am wondering how you keep your pattern (such as the leaves on this quilt) so "regular" and "precise"? They seem to appear to all be exactly the same. And how do you make sure that it fits in on a given border? Do you plan that ahead so you know just how many leaves of a certain size will fit going around the quilt? Wish I were a bug on the wall of your quilting room so I could watch what you do from start to finish. PS: I am sorry if you have answered all of these questions in the past but I am a more recent member and may have missed that.
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