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Old 02-26-2011, 09:39 PM
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Originally Posted by Cuilteanna
Originally Posted by Lisa_wanna_b_quilter
I quilted it to the best of my limited abilities and out my fine tipped sharpie marker and colored the thread dots on the front black.
I have an entire drawer in my sewing room filled with various colours and brands of permanent markers for things like that. I have even been known to use them when a block is just slightly "off" and I can make it look nearly perfect by colouring in a bit (matching the fabric of course). Sometimes I even blend markers to get it right!
How funny, I once had a problem finding a fabric with all the right colors. I gave up and found one that was close in all colors but red (It was a floral). I got out my sharpies, and colored every one of the 'wrong colored' flowers with them. It is still the 'right' color after many washings. :oops:
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