Thread: sassy granny
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Old 02-28-2011, 03:02 PM
sassy granny
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Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Kentucky Wildcat Country Go Big Blue
Posts: 820

Originally Posted by Marvel
Hi. I do not know what is causeing it to do this. I do have a suggestion that should work. If it sews well on the straight stitch, then if you need it pretty soon I would straight stitch it down then go back with embroidery thread and do something like a blanket stitch around(yes over the straight stitches) the appliques.
On my sewing machine I find its a lot easier to lessen the tension to do the zig zag stitich. Maybe this will help. I am sure others on here will have comments or ideas to help also.
I tried loosening the tension, useing an embroidery needle, just gave up at the time. Will go back later after the frustration settles and try it again. If it doesn't work this time, I will take it to the service center. I just hate when that happens, right when I'm in a sewing mood and everything has gone right so far. Oh well, could be worse. I could be in there sewing instead of on here having a blast. LOL I'm having way too much fun since I decided to register on here after enjoying everone else's work for several weeks.

Thanks everyone for all the suggestions and the friendly welcome.

Sassy granny
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