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Old 02-28-2011, 08:57 PM
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Join Date: Jan 2010
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Originally Posted by Bobbielinks
Several days ago I was waiting for my husband in a doctor's office, hand binding a quilt I had quilted on my quilting machine. This older man came in, sat down across the waiting room from me and kept watching what I was doing. After several minutes of looking at my quilt, he asked how long it had taken me to quilt it. This was a large full size which I had quilted double feathered wreaths on, so it took about 15 hours of quilting time. He grunted and made a comment about he bet the fabric was even new. Then he went into a loud and lenghty speach about how women these days don't know how to make a quilt. How they (quilts) should be made from scraps of clothing. Should never be made from new material. Should all be done by hand, etc. on and on. I really felt small. I finally folded my quilt and went to my car to wait on my husband.
You should be very proud of that quilt it is just lovely. Who cares what someone like that man says, he probably has never seen anyone quilt before. So what if it is made of new fabrics, it will last a lot longer, because it isn't from used fabric, that has been washed over and over.I would not have left the room, but I admire you for not making a remark about his ranting. I probably would have said something, no, I would have. But then that's me. BE proud of your beautiful quilt and try to ignore people like that. Too often they are really ignorant about the subject matter and just have to make ugly coments.
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