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Old 03-01-2011, 05:17 AM
Senior Member
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Join Date: Nov 2010
Location: Port Saint Lucie, Florida
Posts: 361

When I moved to where I live now I got into gardening. Container gardening. I started with 1 and my collection grew and grew. Roses. All but 1 was roses. Roses of every color. But when my disability grew worse I had to use a wheelchair. And then I couldn't get out to my garden anymore. I would go to the screened in porch and gradually watch my beloved roses die in florida's summer heat. My hubby didn't garden and well, he could care less. Then one day as I was sitting in the porch, there was a blank wall. Over the course of a few months I had a garden. A painted garden. I call it my never dying garden. First I painted a brick wall fence. In front of that a white picket fence. I painted roses, pansy's, sweet williams, azalas and mums. Hmmm.... no wildlife. I painted a birdhouse and 2 birds. Then some butterflies. That's better. A few weeks later I added a bee hive and some bees. I add to it once in a while. I do more roses, more of everything flowers. Kinda like they are growing. I's been on the wall for 6 years. Yes I garden.
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