Old 03-01-2011, 08:23 AM
Join Date: Dec 2010
Posts: 3

Yes....I've seen a few examples here, in this board, that I've thought....."OMG....what the heck"...and on the flip-side, I've seen creations that I know that my skill level will never achieve. The comments are so encouraging and sweet that it really gives me a boost,hope in humanity and proves to me that quilters are some of the kindest, loving most supportive people in the world. So what if it's ugly, or not your cup of tea...Someone loves it and has put their heart and soul into creating it. There is too much negativity in the world and people that feel to free to criticize. It's nice to just have a commom comradery of just sewing, no matter what it is and how it turns out. Quilters ROCK....all of us!!!
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