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Old 03-01-2011, 04:31 PM
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Location: American Canyon, CA
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I love to go to quilt shows and look forward to our own Pacific International Quilt Show every year. I do admit that sometimes it can be a bit overwhelming with so many people there. My 3 friends and I make it a special event. We go early on the first day. I drive and they help pay for gas as well as my dinner. We bring our lunch in a cooler and take a break by going back to the car to relax and unload any purchases we've made at the halfway point of our day. First tip -- bring a friend so you can share the day. The key to shopping is first to have a plan -- how much money do you have to spend? Take a quick look through your stash to see if there are any fabrics you need to fill gaps --like I never seem to have grey or pink. Is there a project you want to start? You need to focus on those needs rather than just spend for the sake of spending. Look for deals that work for you. Don't feel pressured into spending more than you can afford to comfortably spend. And take your camera. I always see quilts I think I would love to make and looking at the photos afterward helps me decide if they really should go on my "to do" list. Sometimes I'm in love with just the pattern or the colors and fabrics used. Bring water and a snack or two. Comfortable shoes are a must and a bag to hold your purchases so you don't have to deal with all the plastic bags. If you are driving or plan to use a credit card you'll need to have those with you as well as whatever cash you want to use but leave the big purse and all that unnecessary stuff at home as it will only bog you down. Go with the idea that this is an adventure and just have a great time. If you are positive you are going to have a good time, you will make it happen.
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