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Old 03-02-2011, 05:48 PM
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Originally Posted by Naturalmama
Thanks for the suggestions. I have it soaking in some aloe juice w/an ice cube now. Amazing how much it still hurts when I take it out. Seriously - how do burn patients survive the pain when huge areas of their body are effected?! I consider myself as having a fairly high pain tolerance and I'm wondering how I'm gonna sleep tonight. Gotta get another ice cube!!!
When I got 1st and 2nd degree burns on both my arms, of course, I had to go to the clinic everyday to scrub my arms. Boy, does that ever hurt. Then they gave me cream that had silver in it. There's something about silver that helps heal burns. They kept me on antibiotics because I developed infection in both arms. You really don't realize how the sun can burn you like that but I learned the hard way. You don't find me out in the sun for very long any more. Now I remember the name of the cream...silvadene. I'd say if it's still burns tomorrow to make you an appointment to see your doctor. Hope you get to feeling better. Sorry about you getting burned. Keep us posted how you are doing.
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