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Old 03-03-2011, 03:06 AM
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Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: Some where in way out West Texas
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What a wonderful thing for you to do. I love the fact that you are taking "your time" to give to your Mom and others in today's busy world. Too often many tend to forget the elderly and "just don't have time today" . I'm sure your Mom and these others always had "some time" for their own loved ones and never gave it a second thought. I am sure there are so many memories you hand work and visits bring to those who are in the nursing home. Thanks for being one of "God's Earthly Angels" to be there for others if only just to bring back memories for them. Both of my parents are deceased. I would love to have an opportunity to do this for either of them, or to just visit with them again. Mother has been gone for 20 years now and we were such Good Friends she loved to crochet, and I loved to sew. I miss her soooo much. Please enjoy your precious time you have left with your Mom.
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