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Old 03-03-2011, 07:19 AM
Join Date: Apr 2010
Posts: 4

I just was curious and interested in hearing and and all thoughts/recommendations on my next project, please tell me what you think, thank you in advance and have a great day. Peace.

I share a double-wide mobile home here at the Florin Road Light Rail here in Sacramento with my older brother. My room is a good size and where the sliding glass doors used to be is and expando addition making my room very nice and quite nice for size. Probably from about the early 70's the lady who lived here put these ugly standard orange drapes on the windows here I'd like to replace them but unable to do this, I thought I would make new drapes using the multitude of color/fabrics that I have, using a crazy quilt or a very easy pattern I could make some new drapes and that might look pretty good here with minimal(?) costs here. Never seen this done. Please let me hear any thoughts/ideas you might have and have a great day. :-)
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