Thread: Well hey there!
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Old 03-03-2011, 06:50 PM
Junior Member
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Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Pennsylvania
Posts: 206

So I've been lurking for a few days, drooling over everyone's quilts and other assorted project, and finally worked up the gumption to join this board.

I'm 21, 22 in just two days (YIKES!), and I've been quilting since August of last year thanks to my DB's (I believe that is the local lingo for 'darling boyfriend', did I get it right?) mother, aunt, and well, just about every woman in that family. They're all so darn crafty I felt like I had to compete somehow, so I chose quilting. Why couldn't I have chosen cooking instead?! I'm graduating this year from college in middle-of-nowhere NY, and I plan to move to PA with the DB as soon as the diploma hits my hand.

Anyways, I'm horribly hooked now to the point where I blog about my travails and struggles on Pricked Pinkies. As it says on the blog, I am horrifically colorblind as far as picking out fabrics to go with each other, but I love the physical nature of quilting. I'm an aspiring writer, so having something to do with my hands that has a tangible reward at the end is just about the best relaxation activity a girl could ask for.

So yes, I am completely in awe of the beautiful quilts here, and I hope to continue to improve by having all of your lovely quilts and projects to look at.

Oh, one more thing--I do tech support for a living, so if you're ever having computer issues (Mac or PC) I am more than happy to help, just shoot me a PM. ;)
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