Old 03-05-2011, 11:05 AM
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Join Date: Oct 2009
Location: Maine-ly Florida
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I'd like to think that if I weren't working, my space would be a lot neater since I'd have more time to spend in it and on it. Of course, I won't be able to test this theory until I retire.

I am working on a few projects right now at the same time and it's been such a pleasure to be able to grab all the fabrics I need and just get to it. I don't have as much as any shop I've ever been to and don't plan on accumulating that much but I do have a healthy stash. Since I work hard at that job, and since I am not extravagant in any area of my life, buying fabric from time to time makes me happy.

I am trying to organize my space so that my good friend can come over and knit while I sew or knit. I have a comfy chair ready for her but need to get a bit more done. She is very laid back and supportive so thankfully it won't have to be neat as a pin for her to feel comfortable.

I went to a workshop once where the presenter said that some people just feel more comfortable with a nest of their stuff around them and that they also like to see their stuff. I think I'm one of those and while I admire those who can be neat as can be, I don't think we are all wired that way.
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