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Old 09-15-2007, 03:33 PM
Nepthys's Avatar
Join Date: Sep 2007
Location: Chautauqua Co., NY
Posts: 76

Here was what I got.

Replacement 45mm Olfa blade
18" by 24" self healing Olfa cutting mat
4 yrds black fabric
1 yard cornflower blue
1 yard periwinkle
1 yard royal blue
1/2 yard funky modern fabric
1/2 yard another funky modern fabric
new seam ripper

I got all of this for $26.74

:D :D :D :D :D

At another home I got two whoopie pies (yum!) 1/2 dozen donuts, a loaf of wheat, and a loaf of white, plus some oatmeal peanut butter cookies.

Next stop yielded beets and carrots that we helped pull from the lady's garden. Also some cayenne peppers picked right off the plants. The beets and carrots filled a shopping bag each. Also picked up a quart of the coolest miniature bell peppers in every color imaginable. Everything was $3 total there.

Last stop I bought 4 beautiful red peppers for 50 cents each. Plus some green beans that I sauteed with garlic for dinner.

It was a good day!
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