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Old 03-06-2011, 04:15 PM
Join Date: Nov 2010
Posts: 4,134

You can do it with half diamonds (triangles, duh!). That way there are no Y-seams, just strip piecing. I think Marci Baker was the first to promote this method. Here's her video:

Or, if you don't want to do traditional piecing and deal with Y-seams, another option is to do with the English paper-piecing method.
Then you just have to whipstitch the diamonds together, either by hand or by machine.

But don't run from those Y-seams. Once you figure them out, they're a breeze. Take your time, mark your pieces, know when/where to stop, sew slowly (if by machine).
I still mark the intersections on the back of every piece. And I've done dozens of them.
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