Old 03-06-2011, 08:29 PM
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Posts: 205

Originally Posted by Jill
When I do diagonal lines on a quilt, I use blue painter's tape and follow that to get straight lines. Tonight I started to SID on a baby quilt and I decided to use the blue tape as a guide along the seam. I also reduced the speed on my machine and it turned out much better than it usually does. I realize that using the tape might not work on a twin-size quilt but thought I'd mention it anyway. My SID looks better than it ever did before. So hang in there...it will get better.
Well here's a stupid question. Where do you put the tape? On the quilt? Doesnt it get all sticky? I use painters tape on my machine to do like one inch or something then rip it off when I am done... but how do you use it to do what you said?
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