Thread: Brace Yourself
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Old 03-08-2011, 10:20 AM
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Hold on! Help's coming! In our local newspaper last week's headline was that our farmers are planting more cotton this year because of the shortage. so ... just wait a bit. :) That will mean a rice, corn, or
maize shortage though cause that's what they had been planting more of.

I have stopped taking my clothes to our local thrift shop. I had over 20 coats I had collected over the years - mine, my kids, husband, even some from my mother-in-law. They had me drive around to the gargage-type door to meet a worker there to unload them. When that door rolled up and I saw a MOUNTAIN of black trash bags that people had put their donations in - this mountain had to be 12 feet high - I was so depressed. I know they need workers to sort it and space to put it, but it will be YEARS before what I take there will be availalbe for anyone to use. So .. I'm seeking other places to take my things. Wish I could volunteer there to help them, but work two jobs and just can't fit it in. Some of our churches have drop boxes and there's a smaller place in town I can take things to.
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