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Old 03-08-2011, 04:44 PM
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Yes, I am on a budget, I think I learned to be thrifty after watching my parents struggle with 6 kids and only my fathers wage coming in, there are many things which I would love to buy but at the end of the day I don't really need them!
My husband and I are pretty good at budgeting, we make all our own meals fresh, we don't eat out, we buy second hand and over the net on trade me, I use recycled clothing mostly for my quilts, or fabric from op shops etc. We do not have credit cards and pay all bills as soon as they hit the mat.
We do not owe anyone anything money wise, we live a fairly simple life style which suits us. I have been a sewer all my life beginning with making my own clothes from the age of about 15 and going on to make things for the home like curtains and bed covers cushions rugs etc. We enjoy our life style, being as we are we have managed to pay off our wee cottage own a couple of cars, put our daughter through college and son through polytechnic. We have also put a bit by for our retirement and when my husband retires next year we shall be better off so that is something to look forward to!

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