Old 03-08-2011, 04:51 PM
Join Date: Oct 2010
Posts: 84

my treadle is a "free" and i have a singer 5050 (about 20yrs old now) and i have an innovis quilt club 1000/computerized. just recently i had trouble with the portable singer...paid a visit to the repairman and the part i need is no longer made...told to take her home, treat her with care and if she gets hot to let her cool off.as for the computerized machine..i do love it..especially great for fast jobs and the ease of just touching a button or screen. the treadle for me is a machine that not only gives me comfort and reminds me of the old days, but it still produces the best stitching and no electricity required. so i guess that with the treadle i am still able to stay in style with fashions and quilting techniques while being environmentally "green".
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