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Old 03-09-2011, 01:32 PM
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Originally Posted by aorlflood
Originally Posted by jaciqltznok
personally I prefer these bulbs! I do like the light they put off over reg. bulbs.
I agree. We transitioned over to the CFL's a couple years ago in our house. They put out much less heat and don't use nearly the wattage as regular bulbs. Plus they seem to last FOREVER! We rarely have to change a bulb in our house!

We have an old house that still has some of the old wiring in it...and some has been replaced recently. No problems with using these bulbs with either wiring.

When we discard a bulb, we place it in a sealed ziplock sandwich bag and put in the trash as per the website info. If I find a place that recycles them, I will take them there.

I am interested in the new LED lights...but will have to wait for them to become more readily available and the price comes down some.

As for the CFL's not being as takes about 60 secs for them to come to the full brightness. Once they do, they are as bright as the equivalent in incondescent. No...they are not as bright for the first 60 secs or so. If you pay attention to them, you can SEE them brighten up after they've been on for about a minute. It's like someone turned up a dimmer switch! LOL

That part takes a little getting used to.

At this point, we are total converts to CFL's in our house! :)
Totally with you. As for CFLs being made in are the incandescent bulbs! Pretty much all manufacturing in the US has moved offshore with just a few exceptions.
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