Thread: Brace Yourself
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Old 03-09-2011, 01:47 PM
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Join Date: Feb 2010
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We were just talking if the top 50 people in the US would "donate" 1/2 of their MULTI MILLIONS on UP to the "cause". We have alot of billionaires in the US that do give to other countries - what would happen if they could sell at least one or two of their homes, give (like is done in "Secret Millionaire") That would really help their country, too! The rest of us are scraping by - they are living "high on the hog"

Originally Posted by Rascalonious
I hear ya, hubby works for the goverment, and they put a freeze on his wages..

Wouldnt it be great if the goverment would take a pay cut down to that and try to live on it....

I bet the debt would have a decrease after that...
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