Old 09-17-2007, 09:31 PM
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Originally Posted by ArtquilterNEWWAYtoQUILT
:? :?: :?: :?: OK Why do you use 1-4 or 1-4 scant seams and WHY?? What does it all stand for?? Makes me wonder??
I'll take a stab at this one...

Long time ago when the earth was green... wait, wrong story...

A long time ago, someone figured out if you used seams less than 1/4 inch there wasn't enough fabric on the wrong side of the thread to keep a joint from pulling apart under the stresses of daily quilt life. If you used more than 1/4 inch the quilt wasted fabric and got too bulky.

SO a standard was made. 1/4 inch. Confused the heck out of the Europeans who had newly adapted the metric system.

BUT, so it was. Now maybe 1/4 inch isn't strictly necessary, fabric being so much better made... but all patterns build that seam allowance in in this country.

A scant 1/4 means you move the needle over about 3 threads so when you press your seams over, the resulting finished dimension of a piece will be the desired finished dimension.

tim in san jose
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