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Old 02-03-2009, 05:17 AM
Power Poster
Join Date: Jan 2008
Location: Florida
Posts: 17,636

thanks, grammie2twins! btw, I love your nick. My little gma was 'grammie' for years and years. ppl here in south, laughed! my gbabies call me nana, and one called me nonnie for months till she learned how to say nana. I loved nonnie too! I love to quilt, but I also love to talk, hard to tell ain't it? :wink:

welcome, jamie. I am learning as i go along too. One of the things I am learning, is, I might as well not get too focused on "the right way" cause seems i keep inventing new ones out of necessity, lol! I know what you mean though. I want to learn and improve so that when I grow up, I can sew like ppl on here. man is there some talent on this board! :D
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