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Old 03-12-2011, 05:31 AM
Join Date: Jan 2011
Posts: 35

Are you bored with life? Then throw yourself into some work you believe in with all you heart, live for it, die for it, and you will find happiness that you had thought could never be yours.
-Dale Carnegie

When I was looking for a quote to write about today, this flew off the page at me. It took me immediately back to my life about a year and a half ago...

I was standing in my craft room ironing yet another blouse for another day of working for the same manager I didn't like, a job that was less than fufilling for me and all the while dreaming that I could get my quilt business off the ground. I had resigned myself into thinking that the only kind of "work" I was going to make money doing was work for other people. I remember the second that realization came to mind. My stomach just sank...

There are some of us who are not meant to be out there chipping off ice chunks and selling them to the Eskimos every day. I am sorry. That's the way it is. I know plenty of people who trudge off to work to earn their paychecks to go on big vacations, buy big houses and drive fancy cars. That's not me. Frankly, I have known this for some time now.

Yes, I understand everyone needs money to pay the bills. Granted, that keeps the lights on and food on the table. However, what are you doing to fufill your passion? Even if you are forced to work a full-time job you can still craft on your lunch hours, organize a quilt guild that meets once or twice a month at lunch or after work, sign up a group of employees to organize a company craft show. There are other options out there. Start thinking about them and let me know what you come up with.

I was fortunate that my kids are grown and I may have figured out a way to scrape by with my quilting until as we all say it "takes off". This isn't everyone's future. I am not telling you to quit your job next week to stay home and quilt for Heaven's sake. You know your limitations. I would like you however to sit back and think about how you can combine your "passion" into your workday. Only then, will you really find you have mastered the art of living a "balanced" life.

Live Your Passion!
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