Old 03-12-2011, 06:24 AM
Join Date: Oct 2009
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Originally Posted by BoJangles
Originally Posted by Lostn51
I have a 1921 with the back clamp I think it was just what they were using at the time of assembly and the allotment. Just because 50,000 were allotted didnt mean that they were all of the same decal and type of clamp system.

Yes, I know they had different decals, but I was under the impression that all the early 66's had a back clamp -- no matter the decal? I thought they changed to the side clamp later because people weren't too wild about the back clamp. You said earlier that the back clamp was from the Wheeler & Wilson. When the back clamp didn't really hit it off with the consumer, I thought that is when Singer started with the side clamps or maybe the different factories used the different methods?

Geeze, just when I think I can tell a really vintage 66 from a newer 66 I get this -- which messes it all up! LOL!!!!

Remember the 66 came out in 1902 and Singer acquired Wheeler and Wilson in 1905. The Singer 9W was made up to 1910-11 (they even recast the machine to be able to fit the standard Singer cabinet) so the Backclamp came several years after the introduction of the original machine.

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