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Old 03-12-2011, 01:54 PM
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Join Date: Jan 2010
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Hello everyone that was at the get together today, I just wanted to say what a pleasure it was to get to meet all of you new ones and it was great to see the others that were at the first one. I am so sorry that more of you couldn't come this time, but the next one is going to be on May 14th at the same place, but will let you know for sure later where. We had a really great time getting to know everybody and we had a show and tell which was great fun to see what everyone was working on, so hopefully next time we can do the same thing again. I know quite a few went to the Dallas quilt show and I do hope that all of you had a wonderful time there, and I hope that you all will plan on coming to our next get together. One other thing the food was great, there are a lot of diffferent things on the menu besides pizza which makes it really nice. So everyone that is planning on coming to the next get together please PM me and let me know , it aways off but just wanted to let everyone know so they could plan ahead for it this time. Take care very one and heres hoping to see all of you next time, Sending BIG HUGS TO EVERYONE. Nita (aka grannyp70) P.S. I will post later who all was here for this one.
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