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Old 03-12-2011, 05:48 PM
Join Date: Nov 2010
Posts: 4,134

Originally Posted by LindaM
It also makes a difference in what the show organizers have asked the judges to do ... the Canadian Quilters' Association (governs the show judges for Canadian Guild shows) has very specific guidelines - for example, if the judges are to award first, second and third prizes, they cannot make any comments on any of the quilts; if the organizers are really looking for the judges to review everyone's quilt and comment, that is a different type of judging altogether. Different rules again if monetary prizes are awarded. I don't know all the rules, but I was very surprised by all the limitations placed upon the judging!
Wait, let me understand this.
The judges are supposed to pick the top three, but not make comments on ANY of they submissions? Even for small guild shows?

I would think, especially at the guild level, that would be reason why a lot of quilters enter a show in the first place - to receive the judges comments on the quilts. Constructive criticism. Need more work on the binding, not enough quilting, harmonious color, good border treatment. Pros and cons.

As I wrote above, that's certainly what I took away from listening in on a judging session. Not that I was ever going to enter the quilt in a show, but that it could be better. And over the years, as time has allowed, I've redone the bindings on all my early quilts because they were, in fact, horrible.

How strange not to allow comments.
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