Thread: Housework
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Old 03-13-2011, 11:18 AM
KS quilter
Junior Member
Join Date: Jan 2011
Posts: 282

There are a few things I do everyday no matter what. Make the bed, clean up the kitchen and just generally put things
away. I used to do EVERYTHING on Saturday, but now physically I can't do that so I split it up and do some every
day or so. I never mind to scrub kitchen floors, do dishes
or iron. If those things need to be done, I can't keep my
mind on my sewing until they are done. I usually sew/quilt
some everyday. Some days not much if I have to grocery shop
etc. etc. I think what makes us a true quilt addict is that
we must have 'some' of it every day. Summer means a little
less quilting for me, as I have a lot of big flower beds and
it is quite a task to keep them weeded, dead-headed, and such.
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