Thread: Housework
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Old 03-13-2011, 04:50 PM
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Since I've returned to quilting my house has taken a back seat which annoys my DH. He is fantastic around the house, always has been, and when I'm in my quilting mode he takes up the slack. On Saturdays I devote the entire day to house cleaning, we're talking heavy duty cleaning and then the week can be devoted to the more important things. I used to have a kitchen floor that you could eat off of, but then I got smart and realized that no one would eat off the floor in the first place.

I do cook every day, and that is in part due to my love of cooking so it really isn't that big a sacrifice.

I'm in the last part of my life and I intend to squeeze as much out of every day as I can. Quilting was a passion when I was in my thirties and I couldn't give time to it. Now I'm retired and it makes me happy. When I'm happy it spills into my husband's life and makes him happy.

So, keep your house as clean as you possibly can; but don't stop quilting to dust the furniture.
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