Old 03-13-2011, 07:53 PM
Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: RTP, NC
Posts: 79

I volunteer with a non-profit that advocates for elders who live in long-term care, and I see a lot of this. Many times, incontinence is caused by a low-grade urinary tract infection, so you might want to have your mother checked for that. The Depends panties, not pads, also work well at night, although they can be a little pricey - I think WalMart and others may have a cheaper store brand. Also, there are throw-away and washable pads you can place on the bed in the areas where your mother lies that will catch and soak up the urine. Meds may help. She may also be like many women who have had children and the muscles in her pelvic floor are weakened and age doesn't help. If she is healthy, her bladder may need to be tacked up and that will help incontinence. I went through this when my own mother lived with me, and part of it was the beginning of dementia/Alzheimer's, and if that is the case, they often lose the ability to detect the urge to go to the bathroom and so they have accidents. In that case, sometimes meds, etc. work and sometimes they don't. The key, to me, is to enjoy this time with an elderly parent. Many people don't get that gift of time with an elderly parent. And, take some time for yourself and don't be afraid to ask for help from family and friends. Your role as a caretaker for your mother is important, but you also need to take care of you so you can, in turn, take care of her.
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