Old 03-13-2011, 08:40 PM
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Originally Posted by Caroline S
I am caring for my mother who is is almost 93. She is incontinent. She wears depends and a super absorbant pad at night, but still every morning her bed is still soaked.

I am sure that there is some solution to this problem from others that may have had to deal with this. A nursing home is not an option. But it is frustrating to have to do laundry every day.
I would definitely speak with her doctor about this problem. I don't know what your normal routine is like, but I would make sure to limit fluid intake after a certain time of the evening...BUT you should check with her doctor about this.. In the meantime, I would make sure to take her to the bathroom before bed. Do you know if she wakes up during the night? If so, you might take her to the bathroom at that time. As we get older we all tend to need to empty our bladder in the middle of the morning. This will probably mess with your routine, but if it works it will save you a lot of bed changing in the morning, and I'm sure your mother will be much more comfortable also.

Just be sure to speak with her doctor to see if there may be some help to be gained, and if this is new to the doctor, he/she will appreciate knowing.
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