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Old 03-15-2011, 05:09 AM
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Location: West Columbia, S.C.
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Hi Janet,
I'm not sure I can add anything new, but I do have a suggestion.
If your quilt was insured for a high $$ amount, use this as intimidation-----call, call, call..Go directly to the director or highest titled person available in the claims department. Tell your story about time and money and stress the insurance value of your soon to be filed claim. Tell them that you want your quilt and not the money and won't quit calling until it's found.
Local people don't have the resources to do the kind of search that the head honcho does (I know since I came from the transportation industry) That director will fine tooth comb the search and pull out all the stops to keep from paying that claim!

I am so sorry you have to go through this and I wish you luck in finding your beautiful artwork.
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