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Old 03-15-2011, 10:49 AM
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Location: Coastal Florida - Mountainous Maine
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Great thread. I've only read the first 3 pages so far.... and picked up about a dozen! tips. (I'm a newbie too... only quilting on and off for 3 years or so). Before that, I did home dec and costuming.... and I have found that while I can create some fancy, smancy historical costumes with some seriously hard 'couture' detailing, topstitching, insertions and the like...BUT... I can't sew a perfect 1/4" seam to save my life! lol!

So here's my tip/what works for me: I have to sew at a steady, medium speed and use my 1/4" foot that has the lip that hangs down. (you push the fabric edges up to that lip.) I have the other kind of 1/4" foot, that just measures the 1/4"... but ya think I can keep the seam exact with that? Heck no.
I expect it's something in the water.... lol!!!!

Oh... and when the books tell you to just "lock the seams" and stitch the blocks together without pinning them... do not believe them! They lie! Take the extra time to pin your block/piece intersections all the time. When working with bias edges (like sewing seams on triangles inside the block) pin before you sew all along the edge to help stabilize the fabric. Carol Doak said it best, "Honey, ignore what I say and do what WORKS for you!"
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