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Old 03-16-2011, 05:51 AM
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Since you say "all that fabric" would drive you nuts, I wouldn't advise building a big stash yet. Wait until you have made more quilts, and then decide. I am like you in that having a lot of fabric around would make me nuts. I think I would feel constantly pressured to be sewing quilts to make use of it, not to mention finding space for it. I once knew a couple of women who had made quilts since they were teenagers, and both acquired a huge stash over time, and accepted any fabric passed on to them. They both passed away in their 90's, and left tons of fabric, most of which was so old, it was actually beginning to rot ! I owned a couple of their quilts, and found that after a few washings, some of the fabric began to just fall apart. I think the quilts were made with old, rotting fabrics ! Cotton fabrics will eventually deteriorate, especially if they are not washed, and in the old days, most didn't wash their fabrics.
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