Old 03-16-2011, 11:15 AM
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Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Louisiana
Posts: 476

Well, that explains it!! Too cute.
Originally Posted by Kitzone
The Sun is shining and I am not motivated to work.... going to share this with my DH (wonderful man that may not see the attaction to SM's but never questions my sanity - lol)

Sewing Machine Hoarders Beware !

A recent study has indicated that Sewing machines give off certain Pheromones, that
actually hypnotize people and cause them to purchase ungodly number of Sewing Machines.

When stored in large quantities, the Sewing Machine Pheromones cause memory loss (CRS) and induce the nesting syndrome (similar to squirrel behavior before the onset of winter, i.e. storing food). It's also been noted the same Pheromones cause a pathological need to secret these sewing machine purchases away when taken home (or at least blend them into the existing collection) and when asked by a significant other if the sewing machine is new, the reply is "Oh that, I've had it for a while".

Sound tests have also revealed that Sewing Machines emit a very high-pitched sound, heard only by a select few people .When played backwards on an LP, the sounds are heard as chants "Buy me" ”Clean me” "Sew on me"!
Studies have also indicated that aliens have inhabited the earth, helping to spread
the effect that sewing machines have on the human population. They are called VSMS posters.

Modified to reflect SM Collectors
Un modified version can be viewed - http://www.quiltvisionusa.com/Jokes.html
(Originally published in August 1997 in the Western North Carolina Quilters Guild Newsletter) Written by Kathy (Smith) Harris, Tuscon AZ
:D :D :D
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