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Old 03-17-2011, 05:27 AM
Happy Treadler
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Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: Pennsylvania
Posts: 732

OK, I'm bummed. Tuesdays are 'mommy' nights, when hubby takes the kids to softball for two hours and I get to quilt 'guilt free'. Problem is, this week I was sick with a stomach bug in bed. REALLY sick. You know, nauseous, can't eat, racing heart, terrible headache. Blah Blah Blah. Curse this germ!!

Well, last night was the first time I actually got out of bed, and hubby wanted to take the kids to the girls basketball game and asked if I'd mind. I figured "Hey! I get another do-over!". I'm oh-so-close in getting to put my pieces of my first bargello quilt, and I should have time to get it done. So, they left and I headed for the sewing room. I just could not believe it, but after only 10 minutes I was so exhausted sitting there that I couldn't do any more. I do quilt on a treadle, but I never thought it took THAT much effort. How disheartening. SO I ended up sitting on the couch looking at my new Jinny Beyer handquilting book (which I LOVE, btw).

So here I sit today, back at the old grind of computer work and bills, and STILL feeling wiped out. Total bummer. Anybody else ever feel too sick to quilt?? Never thought I'd see the day.

Guess I'll go back to crying in my mint tea. My gut isn't even well enough yet for coffee. :roll:
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