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Old 02-10-2009, 09:24 PM
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Originally Posted by cutebuns
I have been thinking of taking a class, just when ever I look, can't decide what one to take and at what level I should be at. I have never taken a quilting course, and I have my own habits, not that some of them don't need to be cleaned up a little, but I have heard some instructors have their pet peeves. That and when I look at what they want me to bring to class, it seem excessive to what I use at home, I am wondering if I really want to carry all that around with me. Basically I am really shy and have a hard time just walking into someplace like that by myself. so most of the rest is just an excuse.
May I suggest something to you. It would probably be very beneficial for you to take a beginner's course first, even though you have quilted on your own before. In the beginner's class you will learn the basics that will give you a good foundation. And then you can go on from there. (Also, since you are shy and probably lack confidence, being in a class that is not a complete "foreign language" to you, will build up your confidence and make you feel more comfortable.)

I'm a shy person too, but I've found a way to ease myself into a group or class that really works for me. When I register for a class or event, I get there early -- sometimes I'm the first one to arrive. That way I get to meet the teacher/presenter one on one. Usually I "apologize" for being early and that helps break the ice. It's much more comfortable to meet the others as they trickle in. This may sound silly, but it works for me. Try it at least once and see how it's not so bad. The fun you have and the things you learn far ourweigh your lack of confidence and your shyness. Good luck and happy quilting.
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