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Old 03-19-2011, 04:08 AM
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Originally Posted by wytetygeress
Sorry i have been a little scattered brained here. I can't know for the life of me find when my middle is due to send to my partner. I just started a new job and everything is kind of hectic right now lol please forgive me. Can i get a link to where i can re-download the rules? I know what i want to get done just have to figure out how =)
Monique: is the link it is page 5 of this topic..the medallion rules were revised and are halfway down the page. There is a separate topic for the pictures as we go.

You have to get your centre to your partner no later than April 30. Then when the one arrives at your house you have two months to complete it and send it on (don't forget to add to the journals). So the next one you receive is due at your partner's place by June 30....

Hope that makes sense. If not PM me and I will explain a bit more.

Hope new job is going well. I know how you feel. I just changed provinces (moved over 1000 miles to a town I don't know anyone in), jobs, houses, and feel scattered. Our old house just sold so we are now looking for somewhere permanent in our new town. I often feel out of sorts.
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