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Old 03-19-2011, 08:45 PM
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Location: Grants Pass, Oregon
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If it was up to me I wouldn't cook at all. When my kids were growing up I had to cook every night. And then I had to clean the kitchen EVERY NIGHT. And then when they became teenagers, I would still cook for the most part probably 3 or 4 nights a week and then I would get mad because I would spend all that time cooking dinner for my kids and husband WITH LOVE and it wouldn't get ate. So then one day I decided..the heck with all of them, they can fend for themselves. And they did pretty much. But I always made sure there was healthy foods in the house.
I did alot of home canning. I canned everything under the sun pretty much. Except for milk that I was never able to do. One day I am going to get a pressure cooker and start canning stuff again. But my kids used to be able to go into the pantry and pull out pretty much what they wanted. I always had veggies and many many many pints of different meats, sauces stuff that they could make on their own.
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